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15 Tall Aquarium Plants Every Beginner Should Try

If you are a beginner aquarist looking to add some beauty and diversity to your aquarium, consider adding some aquarium plants. In this blog post, we will discuss 15 tall aquarium plants that are perfect for beginners. 

1) Vallisneria Spiralis 

Fish, angelfish in high vallisneria in aquarium with stone

Vallisneria Spiralis, also known as “Eelweed,” is an ideal aquarium plant for beginners. It is an undemanding and hardy species that can adapt to a wide range of aquarium conditions and lighting. 

Although its growth rate is slower than many other aquarium plants, it will quickly spread and fill the tank, creating a lush aquatic environment.

Vallisneria Spiralis requires medium to low light to thrive, making it perfect for those who want to avoid investing in high-end lighting setups. 

However, if you want to maximize its growth rate, higher lighting levels are recommended.

Vallisneria Spiralis can survive in a variety of water parameters. It prefers a neutral pH between 6.0 – 7.5 and can tolerate temperatures from 86F to 60F. 

While it does best in soft, acidic water, it can survive in more challenging and alkaline conditions.

2) Jungle Vallisneria

Jungle Vallisneria is a stunning aquarium plant that is easy to care for and can adapt to various water parameters. 

It originates from the Amazon Basin and grows to heights of 24 inches. It has bright green leaves with a wavy ribbon-like appearance. 

When grown in larger aquariums, it will form an impressive background planting.

Jungle Vallisneria is easily propagated by cutting the stems and replanting them in the substrate. It will also spread slowly and fill in the aquarium on its own.

Jungle Vallisneria is relatively easy to care for and requires very little maintenance. 

It is best planted in a soft substrate such as sand or gravel. It should be placed at the back of the aquarium so that it does not block out too much light for other plants. 

This plant prefers to be in hard, alkaline water with a pH of 7-8. Make sure you provide plenty of nutrients in the form of fertilizers, as it will help it thrive and grow.

3) Amazon Sword

Background of the aquarium with green plants

Amazon Sword is a popular plant for beginners. It is an easy-to-grow, low-maintenance aquatic plant that does well in a community tank. 

The Amazon Sword is an excellent addition to any aquarium, and its easy care for nature makes it a good choice for those new to aquariums.

The Amazon Sword prefers water with a pH of 6.5 – 7.5; some suggest that a pH as low as 6.0 is acceptable. 

It also needs a tropical fish range temperature of 72 – 82 Degrees Fahrenheit and moderate to intense lighting, with 10 – 12 hours of light per day. 

The Amazon Sword grows large, long leaves with thick stems that reach up to 16 inches tall, making them one of the tallest aquarium plants you can get. 

This makes them perfect for creating height in an aquarium.

4) Cabomba

Green Cabomba caroliniana plant stems

Cabomba is an excellent aquarium plant for beginner aquarists because it’s relatively easy to take care of and provides oxygen to the tank. 

This plant can be found in many colors, shapes, and sizes, making it perfect for any aquarium. 

It’s essential to provide Cabomba with enough light and nutrient-rich substrate if you want the best results.

This plant is hardy and can survive in many different conditions; so long as there’s sufficient light, moderate water movement, and nutrient-rich substrate, Cabomba should do just fine. 

If you’re looking for an easy plant that provides plenty of oxygenation, Cabomba is an excellent choice for any beginner aquarist.

5) Brazilian Water Weeds

Selective focus of Elodea canadensis American waterweed or Canadian waterweed or pondweed on a fish tank

Brazilian Water Weeds (Elodea Densa) is an excellent choice for any beginner aquascaper. 

It’s a hardy plant that requires minimal care and maintenance, making it an ideal choice for new hobbyists. 

This plant thrives in cold water but will survive in warmer temperatures. 

The best way to keep this aquatic plant healthy is by providing moderate to high lighting and nutrient-rich waters. 

Brazilian Water Weeds should be placed in the middle of the tank’s background. 

This aquatic plant species can grow up to 30 cm in height and provide excellent cover for other fish and smaller inhabitants. 

In addition, they are highly recommended for planted tanks as they help oxygenate the water and filter out toxins. 

6) Hornwort

a hornwort plant Ceratophyllum demersum on a fish tank

Hornwort is an excellent aquatic plant for aquariums and is perfect for beginner aquarists. 

This plant multiplies and can reach heights of up to 24 inches, but it’s easy to keep in check with occasional pruning. 

Hornwort has dense, dark green foliage that provides a great hiding spot for smaller fish and shrimp. 

It doesn’t require any specialized care or special lighting and doesn’t need any added nutrients or CO2 supplementation. 

Hornwort does best in slightly acidic water and thrives between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. 

If you have enough light, Hornwort can spread rapidly, so make sure to prune it back if it starts to take over your tank. 

Hornwort prefers gentle flow, so make sure the needles don’t accidentally get sucked up by your filter intake.

7) Java Fern

Microsorum pteropus in front of white background

Java ferns can thrive in low to moderate light and even do well without carbon dioxide if your filters and powerheads function correctly. 

They are also recommended for aquariums that are at least 10 gallons so your Java ferns have room to grow. 

Keep your water temperature between 68 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. 

Java ferns don’t need substrate, making them a great option for bare-bottom aquariums. 

Their ability to live without much light can also make them ideal for low-light habitats. They can also be tied to driftwood or rocks to help them stay in place. 

8) Anubias Barteri

Detail of a Anubias Barteri leaf with blurred background

Anubias Barteri is an excellent choice for beginner aquarium hobbyists. 

It is easy to care for, can tolerate a wide range of water parameters, and is low maintenance. It grows slowly and doesn’t require frequent pruning like other aquarium plants. 

It’s resilient nature, and robust root system makes it suitable for many aquariums, including community tanks and those with high activity levels.

In terms of aesthetics, Anubias Barteri provides a unique texture and color contrast in any aquarium. 

It features beautiful deep green leaves with a contrasting dark green vein pattern. The rhizome stem is brownish-black, and its leaves are slightly pointed and spear-like. 

9) Water Sprite 

Water Sprite is an ideal aquarium plant for any beginner, as it is easy to care for and requires little maintenance. 

This freshwater plant can be found growing in slow-moving rivers and ponds. It typically has a floating habit but can be grown as a rooted plant. 

The delicate, feathery leaves come in various colors, such as green, red, pink, and brown. 

Water Sprite can reach up to 13.5 inches in height and requires a minimum tank size of 10 gallons. 

It prefers temperatures of 68-82 °F and water conditions with a pH of 6.0-7.5 and KH 3-8. 

This aquarium plant is best suited for the mid or background of the aquarium, where it can form a natural carpet of floating foliage.

It does well when provided with supplemental lighting, which will help keep the leaves vibrant. 

10) Red Tiger Lotus 

Decorative aquarium. Pterophyllum scalare on plant background.

The Red Tiger Lotus is a beautiful aquarium plant popular amongst beginners and experienced hobbyists. 

This attractive aquatic species have long, pointy green leaves with dark red stripes running through them, giving it its unique coloration and name. 

The Red Tiger Lotus can grow to heights of up to 8 inches, and its leaves can be as large as 10 inches in diameter.

The Red Tiger Lotus does best in warm temperatures, ideally between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit (22.2 to 27.8 degrees Celsius). 

It is best to keep the temperature stable to avoid putting the plant into a dormant state. This species requires at least four hours of sunlight each day to thrive and fertilizer regularly. 

Additionally, it is essential to keep the water parameters in check, as the Red Tiger Lotus prefers a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5 and a hardness level of 4-18 dGH.

11) Ludwigia Repens

Aquarium plant in front of white background

Ludwigia repens is a popular aquarium plant known for its bright red and green coloration and easy-to-care-for nature. 

This plant is an excellent option for beginner aquarists, as it is relatively low-maintenance and can easily be propagated with cuttings.

Ludwigia repens can grow up to a foot in height, but with frequent pruning, you can keep it more manageable. 

It does best when planted in a nutrient-rich substrate and placed in moderate- medium- to high-intensity lighting.

12) Ambulia

Beautiful tropical freshwater aquarium with plants and moss. Ambulia

Ambulia (Limnophila Sessiliflora) is an easy-care stem plant that grows up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall. 

It’s a popular choice for beginners due to its complex nature and low maintenance requirements. 

Ambulia has bright green leaves with distinctive undulations throughout the stem and foliage. This species is excellent for beginners because it requires no special conditions or care.

Ambulia can tolerate mid to low-level lighting. If your Ambulia’s growth appears thin, consider increasing your tank’s lighting. 

Lighting requirements vary depending on your tank’s size. Very dense patches of this species will need more light than sparse plantings.

13) Water Wisteria

Water wisteria (Hygrophila difformis) is a tall, fast-growing aquarium plant. 

It’s one of the best plants for novice aquarists due to its ease of care and ability to tolerate a wide range of water parameters. 

It can grow up to 20 inches (50 cm) tall in the right conditions, so it’s an excellent choice for filling out the background of your aquarium.

In addition to light, water wisteria needs nutrient-rich water to stay healthy. 

Provide lots of nutrients in the water column using an all-in-one liquid fertilizer, and add a mineral supplement if you have soft water with low amounts of GH. 

Ensure you do not overfertilize, as this can cause algae problems in the tank. Water wisteria should also be trimmed regularly to keep it from becoming too unruly.

14) Brazilian Pennywort 

This tall, bushy aquarium plant is an excellent option for beginner aquarists. Brazilian Pennywort (Hydrocotyle leucocephala) is Indian Pennywort or Marsh Pennywort. 

It has rounded leaves that are bright green and can reach heights of 15 inches or more. The size of the plant depends on how often it’s trimmed.

When it comes to Brazilian Pennywort care, it’s relatively easy to maintain. 

This plant will do well in a wide range of temperatures from 68 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit, but it grows best at 72-80 degrees. 

The pH should be kept between 6.0 and 7.8, with medium to low lighting levels, making it ideal for a community tank. It does not require CO2 supplementation.

15) Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa Monnieri is a popular and easy-to-care-for aquarium plant native to India. It is also known as Brahmi, Herb of Grace, and Water Hyssop, among other names. Bacopa Monnieri is a creeping plant with small oval leaves that grows in medium to bright light conditions. It prefers a moist, nutrient-rich substrate and regular fertilization to remain lush and healthy.

Bacopa Monnieri does best in aquariums with good filtration and water flow, as it requires oxygen to grow well. 

It is also tolerant of changes in water temperature and pH levels, making it an excellent choice for beginners. In addition, this plant will produce small white flowers when grown in ideal conditions, adding to its aesthetic appeal.